The Rock Garden is an anthology of non-fiction stories about Jim Bowsher and his extraordinary rock garden, the centerpiece of which is the Temple of Tolerance. This book also describes Jim’s stunningly eccentric home, a veritable museum of eclectic objects and artifacts, with one connecting thread linking them: there is an amazing story behind each and every one.
Additionally, the book recounts an unsolved murder mystery from Wapakoneta, Ohio, the town where both Dan Newland and Jim Bowsher were born, as well as a road trip they took together in the company of mutual friends.
The Rock Garden reads like a series of compelling short stories, all of which paint a portrait of a unique and captivating man and the strange and haunting world that he has built around him in a small Ohio town.

Jim Bowsher and The Temple of Tolerance
Curated by Scott Bruno • Photography by Merrilee Luke-Ebbeler
Sponsored by Ramaswamy Karipineni
Thunder-Sky Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio • June 15–August 3, 2018
The first gallery exhibition focused on the work of Jim Bowsher, this show included photography of The Temple of Tolerance, portraits of Jim, and photos of his home. Many of these photos by Merrilee Luke-Ebbeler can be seen throughout this website. Also featured was a flyover video of the Temple, and a selection of twenty-four objects from Jim’s collection, including important items from the civil rights movement and objects from his folklore, Americana and Civil War collections. Details of these items can be found at The Collection and in the brochure and photos below.
People and Other Non-Entities: Storytelling with Jim Bowsher
Chase Public, Cincinnati, Ohio • June 16, 2018
An evening of Jim’s performative storytelling, sponsored by Chase Public.
Press Archive
A selection of news articles about Jim Bowsher and his work.